Horsepower Vs. Performance Tuned
• Noun
- A foot-pound-second unit of power,
equivalent to 550 foot-pounds per
second, or 745.7 watts.
- Informal. The capacity to achieve or
produce; strength or talent:
• Noun
- A foot-pound-second unit of power, equivalent to 550 foot-pounds per second, or 745.7 watts.
- Informal. The capacity to achieve or produce; strength or talent:
How is this relevant to your spa purchase?
Well quite frankly, it isn’t.
Our engineers have a Performance Tune Rating for each model based on its components, not a flat, general pump rating. This provides clearer information regarding the actual performance
Performance Tuned Jet Placement is the true balance of GPM (Gallons Per Minute) and PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) involved in the therapy benefit of your spa.
True measures of an individual spa’s performance can be found in the model specification sheet.